The first private contemporary art museum at Budapest
is the Godot Institute of Contemporary Art.
It takes place at the old Óbuda in the old Goldberger factory.
Judit Rita Rabóczky sculptur has her solo show in the big hall.
Her huge women figurines are full of energetic power. Even the material she used for them are extrem in a female content. The iron or the colorfull cabels draws the most significant meaning of a woman being. A new univers opened for the visitors.
Beside that the Godot Labor has two young hungarian artists’s showes.
Zsófia Hermann: Testmetafórák
Gabriella Tétényi: Erotic Center (18+)
Visit three unique exhibitions on 1100 m2 .
Godot is waiting for you!
open: till 05 september
tuesday - saturday / 14:00 - 19:00
Budapest, Fényes adolf uca 21.
modern art budapest, art museum, art galleries godot